Learn Cantonese


when? gei2 si4
now yi4 ga1
sometimes yAu5 si4
never tsUng4 loi4 mou5
yesterday kAm4 yAt6
today gAm1 yAt6
tomorrow tIng1 yAt6
afternoon an3 dzAu3


minute fAn1 (no MW)
5 minutes dzi6 (MW: go3)
quarter gwAt1 (MW: go3)
half bun3
hour dzUng1
day yAt6
week lAi5 bai5 ; sIng1 kei4 (MW: go3)
month yüt6 (MW: go3)
year lin4


at what time? gei2 dim2 dzUng1 a3
what time is it? gei2 dim2 a3
o'clock dim2 (dzUng1)
9:30 gAu2 dim2 bun3
5:03 m5 dim2 lIng4 sam1 fAn1
6:45 lUk6 dim2 sei3 sAp6 m5 fAn1

Days of the Week

Use the numbers 1 to 6 with sing1 kei4 to form the days from Monday to Saturday. Sunday is an exception. You may also use l@i5 bai3 instead of sing1 kei4.

Monday sIng1 kei4 yAt1 (weekday 1)
Tuesday sIng1 kei4 yi6
Wednesday sIng1 kei4 sam1
Thursday sIng1 kei4 sei3
Friday sIng1 kei4 m5
Saturday sIng1 kei4 lUk6 (weekday 6)
Sunday sIng1 kei4 yAt6
weekend dzAu1 mut6 (MW: go3)


Put the numbers 1 to 12 before the word for month yuet6.

January yAt1 yüt6 (1st month)
February yi6 yüt6
March sam1 yüt6
April sei3 yüt6
May m5 yüt6
June lUk6 yüt6
November sAp6 yAt1 yüt6
December sAp6 yi6 yüt6 (12th month)


now yi4 ga1
today gAm1 yAt6
this morning gAm1 dziu1 (dzou2) ; li1 go2 dziu1 dzou2
this afternoon li1 go2 an3 dzAu3
tonight gAm1 man5 ; gAm1 man1
this month gAm1 go3 yüt6
this year gAm1 lin2


just now
yesterday kAm4 yAt6
day before yesterday tsin4 yAt1
last night kAm4 man5
last month sœng6 go3 yüt6
last year sœng6 lin2


later tsi4 di1
soon yAt1 dzAn6
tomorrow tIng1 yAt6
day after tomorrow hAu6 yAt1
tomorrow night tIng1 man5 ; tIng1 man1
next month ha6 go3 yüt6
next year ha6 lin2


Wednesday, May 8, 2002


spring tsön1 gwAi3
summer ha6 gwAi3
autumn tsAu1 gwAi3
winter dUng4 gwAi3


60s lUk6 sAp6 lin4 doi6
70s tsAt1 sAp6 lin4 doi6
80s bat3 sAp6 lin4 doi6
90s gAu2 sAp6 lin4 doi6


20th century ya6 sAi3 gei2
21st century ya6 yi6 sAi3 gei2


again dzoi3
no longer dzoi3 m4 [verb] la3

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